Displaced gradients in - OuvragesMaritimes2010Vf.pdf - FR_plaquette%20ferroviaire.pdf are imported and rendered correctly with the experimental input file format "Adobe PDF via poppler-cairo (*.pdf)" in current trunk. (See also <http://inkscape.13.n6.nabble.com/pdf-import-again-poppler-native-vs-poppler-cairo-tt2812859.html>)
Displaced gradients in es2010Vf. pdf 20ferroviaire. pdf inkscape. 13.n6.nabble. com/pdf- import- again-poppler- native- vs-poppler- cairo-tt2812859 .html>)
- OuvragesMaritim
- FR_plaquette%
are imported and rendered correctly with the experimental input file format "Adobe PDF via poppler-cairo (*.pdf)" in current trunk.
(See also <http://