Displaced gradients in
- OuvragesMaritimes2010Vf.pdf
- FR_plaquette%20ferroviaire.pdf
reproduced with Inkscape 0.48.2 on OS X Lion (poppler 0.18.2, cairo 1.10.2)
Testing with Inkscape 0.48+devel r10911 on OS X Lion:
- OuvragesMaritimes2010Vf.pdf
gradient is positioned correctly, but scales slightly different than displayed in the PDF file
- FR_plaquette%20ferroviaire.pdf
gradient of clipped path(s) is not visible.
Displaced gradients in es2010Vf. pdf 20ferroviaire. pdf
- OuvragesMaritim
- FR_plaquette%
reproduced with Inkscape 0.48.2 on OS X Lion (poppler 0.18.2, cairo 1.10.2)
Testing with Inkscape 0.48+devel r10911 on OS X Lion: es2010Vf. pdf 20ferroviaire. pdf
- OuvragesMaritim
gradient is positioned correctly, but scales slightly different than displayed in the PDF file
- FR_plaquette%
gradient of clipped path(s) is not visible.