Comment 7 for bug 855839

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vlad seghete (vloodo) wrote : Re: inkscape hangs when editing pdf with large number of objects

I made the figure with matplotlib's PDF backend and using default options. Maybe I'd have more luck with saving to SVG? I don't really want to dig through the pyplot documentation to figure out why they save things this way, but if this becomes a frequent issue I might have to do that.

I am running Snow Leopard , but other than that our systems seem to be pretty much identical, so I don't know why it would consistently hang on mine and not yours. I haven't tried the MacPorts version of Inkscape yet, I'm hoping to get around to that as soon as possible. I had already found a few workarounds to do what I wanted (used snap to path which didn't trigger a crash and eyed the position of the lines), but your solution is much more elegant.

Anyway, thanks a lot for all the invaluable help! I couldn't fully follow what was wrong with the PDF, it just sounded highly redundant. I guess I'll have to learn about clipping. I still don't think that Inkscape should have crashed, but at least now I have some idea of what to do to keep it from doing it again.