It is very important feature, not only for CAD purposes, but also to make precise artistic drawings. Latest vesion of Autocad allows you to input exact coordinates in a small input box just near the cursor. See at the screenshot: In my opinion this is a good path to follow, but there should be also provided easy way to toggle between inserting exact coordinates and classic mode (without any input nor prompt box).
It is very important feature, not only for CAD purposes, but also to make precise artistic drawings. Latest vesion of Autocad allows you to input exact coordinates in a small input box just near the cursor. See at the screenshot: http:// lynn.blogs. com/lynn_ allens_ blog/images/ xxblog2_ 2.jpg In my opinion this is a good path to follow, but there should be also provided easy way to toggle between inserting exact coordinates and classic mode (without any input nor prompt box).