As Ted Gould suggests it, a way of doing it should be to copy attributes which use a custom namespace
standart namespaces are: u'sodipodi' :u'', u'cc' :u'', u'svg' :u'', u'dc' :u'', u'rdf' :u'', u'inkscape' :u'', u'xlink' :u'', u'xml' :u''
As Ted Gould suggests it, a way of doing it should be to copy attributes which use a custom namespace
standart namespaces are: sodipodi. sourceforge. net/DTD/ sodipodi- 0.dtd', web.resource. org/cc/ ', www.w3. org/2000/ svg', dc/elements/ 1.1/', www.w3. org/1999/ 02/22-rdf- syntax- ns#', www.inkscape. org/namespaces/ inkscape', www.w3. org/1999/ xlink', www.w3. org/XML/ 1998/namespace'
u'sodipodi' :u'http://
u'cc' :u'http://
u'svg' :u'http://
u'dc' :u'http://
u'rdf' :u'http://
u'inkscape' :u'http://
u'xlink' :u'http://
u'xml' :u'http://