Comment 18 for bug 181473

Revision history for this message
su_v (suv-lp) wrote :

> I haven't been able to override the drag icon transparency yet ...

Oddly, this seems to vary with the GTK+ backend and/or GTK2 version: on OS X 10.7.4,
- x11 backend (stock gtk2 2.24.20):
   dragged item is fully opaque.
- quartz backend (gtk2 2.24.10 + patches from git branch [1]):
   dragged item is semi-transparent

- Affects DnD in the layer diaolg as well as in the XML Editor.
- It doesn't matter which theme engine is used.

[1] possibly one of those later commits added this feature - I haven't updated the gtk2/x11 branch yet to use the same set of patches.