Hmmm. I think the problem is more complex. When you export a gradient to bitmap using only 8bpc you'll get banding unless some kind of dithering is applied.
It's not just about raising the amount of subdivisions.
An ugly and dirty workaround is to create the gradients in GIMP, since it implements dithering, then import the bitmap into inkscape. Unfortunately, it seems to be the only way at the moment.
Hmmm. I think the problem is more complex. When you export a gradient to bitmap using only 8bpc you'll get banding unless some kind of dithering is applied.
It's not just about raising the amount of subdivisions.
An ugly and dirty workaround is to create the gradients in GIMP, since it implements dithering, then import the bitmap into inkscape. Unfortunately, it seems to be the only way at the moment.