I tried with:
- rebuilding fntcache.dat,
- removing all .fonts.cache-1 files from my filesystem,
- rebooting, restarting, etc...
PS: ...not realted to this, but doeas Inkscape use ~/.fonts
directory? In <installdir>/etc/fonts/fonts.conf it is said
it uses, but in fact it doesn't. (GIMP uses it ok, index in
.fonts-cache-1 is crated, etc...)
In version 0.44+devel from 18 Jun (from mrchapp2. homelinux. net/~inkscape/ inkscape- 0606180200. 7z) dvie.dreamsigns .net/fonts/ wod/wod. zip
symbol fonts are NOT working.
The font I'm "fighting for" is
I tried with:
- rebuilding fntcache.dat,
- removing all .fonts.cache-1 files from my filesystem,
- rebooting, restarting, etc...
PS: ...not realted to this, but doeas Inkscape use ~/.fonts /etc/fonts/ fonts.conf it is said
directory? In <installdir>
it uses, but in fact it doesn't. (GIMP uses it ok, index in
.fonts-cache-1 is crated, etc...)