Unfortunately, as there is no option to close this tracker without also making it invisible at the same time, and we have no way to tell people (who only come here to comment) about the new bug tracker.
Could you please help us by:
a) checking if this bug is already logged in the new tracker and
b) either opening a new report, summarizing your findings, or adding your information to any existing bug report for this topic?
Hi Daniel,
thank you very much for your testing and investigations.
About a year ago, we opened our new bug tracker at https:/ /gitlab. com/inkscape/ inbox/issues/ .
We have set up a game for moving bug reports, too: https:/ /alpha. inkscape. org/bug- migration/
Unfortunately, as there is no option to close this tracker without also making it invisible at the same time, and we have no way to tell people (who only come here to comment) about the new bug tracker.
Could you please help us by:
a) checking if this bug is already logged in the new tracker and
b) either opening a new report, summarizing your findings, or adding your information to any existing bug report for this topic?