Same trouble on OS X 10.7.5 if using tools not involving Inkscape at all:
1) convert PDF to SVG using pdftocairo from poppler 2.24.5
2) convert SVG to PDF using rsvg-convert (librsvg 2.40.1, cairo 1.12.16)
-> rsvg-convert process hangs while grabbing huge amounts of memory (I killed it after 3 minutes - without a resulting PDF file - since heavy paging caused to bring the whole system close to a stand-still). Looks like a cairo issue to me, not specific (or limited) to inkscape.
Same trouble on OS X 10.7.5 if using tools not involving Inkscape at all:
1) convert PDF to SVG using pdftocairo from poppler 2.24.5
2) convert SVG to PDF using rsvg-convert (librsvg 2.40.1, cairo 1.12.16)
-> rsvg-convert process hangs while grabbing huge amounts of memory (I killed it after 3 minutes - without a resulting PDF file - since heavy paging caused to bring the whole system close to a stand-still). Looks like a cairo issue to me, not specific (or limited) to inkscape.