confirmed on Windows 7, Inkscape 0.48.4.
the file Donate_CMYK.tiff leads to the exit message:
(inkscape.exe:3092): GLib-WARNING **: GError set over the top of a previous GError or uninitialized memory.
This indicates a bug in someone's code. You must ensure an error is NULL before it's set.
The overwriting error message was: Couldn't load bitmap
(inkscape.exe:3092): glibmm-CRITICAL **:
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: gdk-pixbuf-error-quark
code : 5
what : Failed to load image 'C:\Windows\Temp\Donate_CMYK.tiff': InvalidParameter
on Windows XP, Inkscape rev 12174, both of these files fail to load, with the same message as above
confirmed on Windows 7, Inkscape 0.48.4.
the file Donate_CMYK.tiff leads to the exit message:
(inkscape. exe:3092) : GLib-WARNING **: GError set over the top of a previous GError or uninitialized memory.
This indicates a bug in someone's code. You must ensure an error is NULL before it's set.
The overwriting error message was: Couldn't load bitmap
(inkscape. exe:3092) : glibmm-CRITICAL **: error-quark Temp\Donate_ CMYK.tiff' : InvalidParameter
unhandled exception (type Glib::Error) in signal handler:
domain: gdk-pixbuf-
code : 5
what : Failed to load image 'C:\Windows\
....... ....... ....... ......
on Windows XP, Inkscape rev 12174, both of these files fail to load, with the same message as above