Comment 36 for bug 436724

Revision history for this message
ogro (ogromano) wrote :

Same problem here... Clean install to 9.10 from 8.04, 4 weeks ago. Everything up to date. No auto-login. Screen saver and option to lock screen when Screensaver active are both enabled.
(current system: Kernel 2.6.31-17, Gnome 2.28.1)

Indicator : clicked on Lock Screen... Nothing happens
Ctrl+Alt+L: Nothing happens
Lock screen Panel applet: added to panel, clicked, nothing happens. (Note: when selecting this applet's properties the Screen saver options pop-up).
Dbus command suggested above: run with screen saver enabled and lock option checked, not worked, output: [$ dbus-send --print-reply --reply-timeout=100 --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver / org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.ScreenSaver was not provided by any .service files]
Main menu Lock screen option: clicked, nothing happens.

Don't know what else to try...

Thanks in advance for the hardwork...

 - Ogro -