Our current default setting for "/apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/use_screensaver_settings" is "true", which means that the screen will not lock on suspend (when you close the lid) if you have disabled locking in the screensaver preferences. The log above shows that this is the most likely cause for this issue.
Perhaps we should consider changing the default, and have g-p-m use it's own policy for screen locking instead?
Our current default setting for "/apps/ gnome-power- manager/ lock/use_ screensaver_ settings" is "true", which means that the screen will not lock on suspend (when you close the lid) if you have disabled locking in the screensaver preferences. The log above shows that this is the most likely cause for this issue.
Perhaps we should consider changing the default, and have g-p-m use it's own policy for screen locking instead?