Use first url we get:
current temperature,wind direction,wind strength, humidity,published time
Use second url we get:
high temp,low temp,weather,published time
the two published time is not the same,and sometimes the current temperature is lower than the min temperature.Before we find better weather api,we have no method to resolve this bug.
We use two urls to get the current weather infomation: data/sk/ 101010100. html data/cityinfo/ 101010100. html
Use first url we get: :{"city" :"北京"," cityid" :"101010100" ,"temp" :"3","WD" :"北风"," WS":"2级" ,"SD":" 18%","WSE" :"2","time" :"08:45" ,"isRadar" :"1","Radar" :"JC_RADAR_ AZ9010_ JB"}}
current temperature,wind direction,wind strength, humidity,published time
Use second url we get: :{"city" :"北京"," cityid" :"101010100" ,"temp1" :"7℃"," temp2": "-4℃"," weather" :"晴","img1" :"d0.gif" ,"img2" :"n0.gif" ,"ptime" :"08:00" }}
high temp,low temp,weather, published time
the two published time is not the same,and sometimes the current temperature is lower than the min temperature.Before we find better weather api,we have no method to resolve this bug.