07:37 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: Yeah but airplanes are flying through the air like fucking magic! Trains are just like woo woo.
07:41 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: CW: "I just found a random hair on
my keyboard." AD: "Yeah, I was rubbing my balls all over your keyboard earlier."
07:43 -!- swazi [~<email address hidden>] has left #compsci []
07:47 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: Yeah but airplanes are flying through the air like fucking magic! Trains are just like woo woo.
07:51 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: CW: "I just found a random hair on
my keyboard." AD: "Yeah, I was rubbing my balls all over your keyboard earlier."
08:01 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: Yeah but airplanes are flying through the air like fucking magic! Trains are just like woo woo.
08:07 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: CW: "I just found a random hair on
my keyboard." AD: "Yeah, I was rubbing my balls all over your keyboard earlier."
11:00 <@tumbleweed> looks like it's oscillating between announcicng the front and back items in the feed
11:01 <@tumbleweed> i.e. it sometimes gets served the new feed, sometimes the old one
We should do more caching of old results so we don't see these duplicates under odd situations.
07:37 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: Yeah but airplanes are flying
through the air like fucking magic! Trains are just like woo woo.
through the air like fucking magic! Trains are just like woo woo.
through the air like fucking magic! Trains are just like woo woo.
07:41 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: CW: "I just found a random hair on
my keyboard." AD: "Yeah, I was rubbing my balls all over your keyboard earlier."
07:43 -!- swazi [~<email address hidden>] has left #compsci []
07:47 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: Yeah but airplanes are flying
07:51 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: CW: "I just found a random hair on
my keyboard." AD: "Yeah, I was rubbing my balls all over your keyboard earlier."
08:01 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: Yeah but airplanes are flying
08:07 < tibid> New item in AngryDeveloper: angrydeveloper: CW: "I just found a random hair on
my keyboard." AD: "Yeah, I was rubbing my balls all over your keyboard earlier."
11:00 <@tumbleweed> looks like it's oscillating between announcicng the front and back items
in the feed
11:01 <@tumbleweed> i.e. it sometimes gets served the new feed, sometimes the old one
We should do more caching of old results so we don't see these duplicates under odd situations.