Comment 23 for bug 75654

Revision history for this message
Karim (karim-acamedia) wrote :

I think the problem is (unless that is another problem) that Rhymthbox never ever "forgets" what files were once in the directory! I removed my music from the music folder and started RB: all the music was listed. When I pressed play it cycled through the whole list, eventually marking all as missing - but when I restarted RB, there they all were again! I did a complete removal of RB and reinstalled, with the music STILL removed from the source folder. And yet there it all was again. What intrigues me is what exactly does "completely remove including configuration files" mean??? I searched for "rhythmbox" after re-removing and there were over 50 files. I'm a newbie so I have no idea what they do, but I'm assuming some of them remember what once was in the source directory - for ever - and some remember what the source directory was set as. Perhaps I don't understand what a configuration file is, but I would have assumed that this information would be deleted by selecting "completely remove including configuration files".