Comment 0 for bug 393158

Revision history for this message
Alessandro Tocci (alessandro-tocci) wrote : Incoherent warning message when inserting a forbidden symbol in filename

When the user types a filename, if he puts a forbidden symbol (like "/" for example) in the name, when clicking on the "Save" button there's a really obscure message coming out: instead of saying "one or more character you have typed are not admitted" , or "the symbol "/" is not admitted in a file name", it says (approximately, I'm translating from the italian version) "THE FOLDER'S CONTENT CANNOT BE VISUALIZED: error in executing stat of file /home/john/Desktop/xxxxxx : no file or directory".
I tried with, Gedit, Archive manager, Brasero, Sound recorder and Gimp, and they all have the same behaviour. The only one to give the correct response has been Nautilus which told me that "/" is not allowed.

I think this is very confusing for the newcomer: if it's easily fixable, it should be fixed in Karmic.