Still present in 2018.
iw dev wlp112s0 link Connected to e4:f4:c6:11:db:df (on wlp112s0) SSID: War freq: 5500 RX: 3408930932 bytes (2317180 packets) TX: 117918998 bytes (1283736 packets) signal: -41 dBm tx bitrate: 6.0 MBit/s
bss flags: short-slot-time dtim period: 1 beacon int: 100
Still present in 2018.
iw dev wlp112s0 link
Connected to e4:f4:c6:11:db:df (on wlp112s0)
freq: 5500
RX: 3408930932 bytes (2317180 packets)
TX: 117918998 bytes (1283736 packets)
signal: -41 dBm
tx bitrate: 6.0 MBit/s
bss flags: short-slot-time
dtim period: 1
beacon int: 100