Hugin is not using a plist AFAIK, it is using a plain text file. The text file is accessed via wxWidgets class wxConfigBase ( Hugin is using the standard paths (so it should be the same as returned by wxStandardPaths::GetUserConfigDir()
Hugin is not using a plist AFAIK, it is using a plain text file. docs.wxwidgets. org/3.1. 0/classwx_ config_ base.html). Hugin is using the standard paths (so it should be the same as returned by wxStandardPaths ::GetUserConfig Dir() http:// docs.wxwidgets. org/3.1. 0/classwx_ standard_ paths.html# a7c7cf595d94d29 147360d03164747 6b0)
The text file is accessed via wxWidgets class wxConfigBase (http://