Comment 45 for bug 1300722

Revision history for this message
Robert (robertabcdefgwatson) wrote :

Today I experienced this problem for the first time. The machine that had
the problem has been in operation for many years without this issue.

I want to draw attention to what ouahabix wrote in this thread back on 2014-07-27
as that would appear
to be the same as my experience. My machine is a MythTV recorder with a large
number of video recordings (1365 recordings across two directories). I do not
often use Nautilus on that machine, or use Nautilus in my video directory.

But in the last few days, I had been asked to copy one of the MythTV recordings
for someone and so I wanted to copy a recording to another machine and I
used Nautilus to do that. I did not close Nautilus. About 24 hours later I noticed the machine
was sluggish, and I notice hud-service was using a lot of CPU.

I am running 14.04 and keep the machine up to date with maintenance. I suspect
that ouahabix was on to something way back then. It may not the only cause, but
that observation and my experience are remarkably similar given that I haven't
experienced the problem until I did what ouahabix said would cause the problem.