=> Remove all the print queues by running "hp-toolbox" command and then add the printer currently connected.
=> Then do the following things to capture some logs.
a)Open /etc/cups/cupsd.conf in root mode and replace
LogLevel warn
LogLevel debug
hpLogLevel 15
b) Open Terminal and run following commands:
=> su
=> /etc/init.d/cups restart or
=> service cups restart
=> cd /tmp
=> rm *.out
=> rm *.bmp
=> hp-check -t > /tmp/hpcheck.log
c) Try to print the file and then send
=> /var/log/syslog (if present),
=> /var/log/messages (if present),
=> /var/log/cups/error_log
=> /tmp/*.bmp
=> /tmp/*.out
=> /tmp/hpcheck.log
=> document used for printing.
Thanks for reporting the bug in HPLIP. To help us understand and analyze the issue please follow following things.
=> Upgrade to latest HPLIP version (3.11.7) from http:// hplipopensource .com/hplip- web/index. html
=> Remove all the print queues by running "hp-toolbox" command and then add the printer currently connected.
=> Then do the following things to capture some logs.
a)Open /etc/cups/ cupsd.conf in root mode and replace
LogLevel warn
LogLevel debug
hpLogLevel 15
b) Open Terminal and run following commands:
=> su
=> /etc/init.d/cups restart
=> service cups restart
=> cd /tmp
=> rm *.out
=> rm *.bmp
=> hp-check -t > /tmp/hpcheck.log
c) Try to print the file and then send cups/error_ log
=> /var/log/syslog (if present),
=> /var/log/messages (if present),
=> /var/log/
=> /tmp/*.bmp
=> /tmp/*.out
=> /tmp/hpcheck.log
=> document used for printing.