[ Till Kamppeter ]
* debian/patches/pdftops-cups-1.4.dpatch, debian/local/filters/pdftops:
Replaced Helge Blischke's alternative pdftops wrapper by the pdftops
of CUPS 1.4. The old pdftops wrapper did not work with the pdftops
filter of Poppler, the new one works with the pdftops filters of both
Poppler and XPDF (Closes: #457810; Ubuntu LP: #182379).
* debian/patches/web-interface-breaks-default-auth-setting.dpatch: When
modifying server settings with the CUPS web interface, the setting
for the default authentication got overwritten with gibberish
(Closes: #461331; CUPS STR #2703, Ubuntu LP: #188426).
* debian/local/backends/dnssd: Updated dnssd to filter out IPv6 entries,
as they clutter the lists of detected printers and make the network
printer discovery process taking more time than needed. Applied also
a bug fix and the possibility of querying one IP address by calling
the dnssd backend with the IP as command line argument (like the
snmp CUPS backend).
-- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden> Sat, 23 Feb 2008 18:01:06 +0100
This bug was fixed in the package cupsys - 1.3.5-2ubuntu1
cupsys (1.3.5-2ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* debian/ local/apparmor- profile: Added Kerberos authentication support
to the AppArmor profile (LP: #189022).
cupsys (1.3.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
[ Martin Pitt ] cupsys. init.d: Add Should-Start: avahi. (Closes: #459662)
* debian/
[ Till Kamppeter ] patches/ pdftops- cups-1. 4.dpatch, debian/ local/filters/ pdftops: patches/ web-interface- breaks- default- auth-setting. dpatch: When local/backends/ dnssd: Updated dnssd to filter out IPv6 entries,
* debian/
Replaced Helge Blischke's alternative pdftops wrapper by the pdftops
of CUPS 1.4. The old pdftops wrapper did not work with the pdftops
filter of Poppler, the new one works with the pdftops filters of both
Poppler and XPDF (Closes: #457810; Ubuntu LP: #182379).
* debian/
modifying server settings with the CUPS web interface, the setting
for the default authentication got overwritten with gibberish
(Closes: #461331; CUPS STR #2703, Ubuntu LP: #188426).
* debian/
as they clutter the lists of detected printers and make the network
printer discovery process taking more time than needed. Applied also
a bug fix and the possibility of querying one IP address by calling
the dnssd backend with the IP as command line argument (like the
snmp CUPS backend).
-- Till Kamppeter <email address hidden> Sat, 23 Feb 2008 18:01:06 +0100