sane-find-scanner must be capable of giving a positive output when run by a user (no sudo). Do you get the same output as a user as you did when you used sudo? (root always has permission to use the USB bus. A user has to have it set up for him. See below).
The output you do get is very unusual.
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x0bda [Generic], product=0x0139 [USB2.0-CRW]) at libusb:003:004
This device is a Realtec card reader! Do you still get the same output when the M575 is unplugged?
The absolute minimum you need for success with sane-find-scanner is to have libpam-systemd installed and the file 56-hpmud.rules in /lib/udev/rules.d.
(I use Debian but, AIUI, Ubuntu and Mint use the same packages).
> Here's output of sane-find-scanner (with sudo):
sane-find-scanner must be capable of giving a positive output when run by a user (no sudo). Do you get the same output as a user as you did when you used sudo? (root always has permission to use the USB bus. A user has to have it set up for him. See below).
The output you do get is very unusual.
> found USB scanner (vendor=0x0bda [Generic], product=0x0139 [USB2.0-CRW]) at libusb:003:004
This device is a Realtec card reader! Do you still get the same output when the M575 is unplugged?
The absolute minimum you need for success with sane-find-scanner is to have libpam-systemd installed and the file 56-hpmud.rules in /lib/udev/rules.d.
(I use Debian but, AIUI, Ubuntu and Mint use the same packages).