Comment 0 for bug 1498039

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Andrew Bogott (andrewbogott) wrote : projects drop-down broken for large numbers or projects

I'm a member of several dozen projects -- more than can fit in a single screen's worth of drop-down. Right now I'm trying to view the VMs in a project called 'testlabs.'

- When I click on the 'project' drop-down up top, it displays the first 20 or so projects, and then a "More Projects" link.
- I select 'More Projects', and it drops me into the 'Projects' tab of the Identity panel. But, hey, it says 'Unable to retrieve project list'. I guess that's because I wasn't ADMIN in the project that was active... before? The one I'm trying to switch away from?
- I select a different project from the project drop-down... not 'testlabs' but just one that I happen to be admin in.
- I select 'More Projects' again, and now I'm back in the Identity panel but now I can actually see a project list.
- I find 'testlabs' in the list, click on the little arrow next to 'Manage Members' and there's a drop down there
- I select 'Set as Active Project' from that dropdown
- NOW I am where i want to be.

Correct behavior is that the 'projects' pull down is just super long and scrolls. Ugly, but not as ugly as the status quo!

Running Kilo from the Ubuntu cloud archive.