Comment 0 for bug 1494464

Revision history for this message
hossein zabolzadeh (zabolzadeh) wrote : use-same-method-to-handle-delete-current-project-and-domain

Disabling and deleting currently-logged-in project and domain need to be handled with same method.
Stricktly speaking, we should use the same policy for the following actions:
- Disable current project
- Delete current project
- Disable current domain
- Delete current domain
To handle the above actions, two different strategies exist:
1- Disallow users to do the action
2- Allow to do, but handle the error
Current status of the aboved mentioned actions is as follows:
- Disable current project(Disallowed) --->
- Delete current project(Allowed) --->
- Disable current domain(Allowed)
- Delete current domain(Allowed but if domain is disabled)
Using the same method for all of the above actions is what we should do to avoid inconsistency in Horizon UI.