Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 5930113f9f6ab2b747d895dd006c1f3824af2460 Author: Masco Kaliyamoorthy <email address hidden> Date: Mon Aug 31 18:47:26 2015 +0530
admin not able to set maintenance state for volume
In admin volume table, maintenance state was not able to set by admin via horizon. since the option is not present in the choice list.
The status is added in the display choices also to show the translated status.
This patch adding the new maintenance state in the choice list.
Change-Id: I11c3845fb95093db08c5a0fdb568dd06b7370841 Closes-Bug: #1490559
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/218848 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ horizon/ commit/ ?id=5930113f9f6 ab2b747d895dd00 6c1f3824af2460
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 5930113f9f6ab2b 747d895dd006c1f 3824af2460
Author: Masco Kaliyamoorthy <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 31 18:47:26 2015 +0530
admin not able to set maintenance state for volume
In admin volume table, maintenance state was not able
to set by admin via horizon. since the option is not
present in the choice list.
The status is added in the display choices also to
show the translated status.
This patch adding the new maintenance state in the
choice list.
Change-Id: I11c3845fb95093 db08c5a0fdb568d d06b7370841
Closes-Bug: #1490559