2017-04-21 19:56:20.518 19364 DEBUG heat.engine.resources.openstack.neutron.port [req-9a049d55-e189-49ad-8cd5-dc32a9cc962d - demo - - -] updating port with {'port_security_enabled': True} handle_updat
e /opt/stack/heat/heat/engine/resources/openstack/neutron/port.py:522
It seems random properties are populated for you in prop_diff. I can't say anything for the ubuntu packages thought. The code seems different from upstream stable/ocata[1] though. The above debug log is at L520[1] upstream whereas it's L525 for you.
Here is what I see in the logs:
2017-04-21 19:56:20.518 19364 DEBUG heat.engine. resources. openstack. neutron. port [req-9a049d55- e189-49ad- 8cd5-dc32a9cc96 2d - demo - - -] updating port with {'port_ security_ enabled' : True} handle_updat heat/heat/ engine/ resources/ openstack/ neutron/ port.py: 522
e /opt/stack/
It seems random properties are populated for you in prop_diff. I can't say anything for the ubuntu packages thought. The code seems different from upstream stable/ocata[1] though. The above debug log is at L520[1] upstream whereas it's L525 for you.
[1] https:/ /github. com/openstack/ heat/blob/ stable/ ocata/heat/ engine/ resources/ openstack/ neutron/ port.py# L520
Anyway, we determine the prop_diff here[1] /github. com/openstack/ heat/blob/ stable/ ocata/heat/ engine/ resource. py#L576- L590
May be you can add a debug log to see what's there in 'before_props' and 'after_props' dicts.