However I still can not reproduce your case (Probably, because I still can not understand, how and where you remove 'enctype="multipart/form-data').
Also as I asked previously, could you please say: which version of heat do you use? master or some stable release?
I use following scenario to reproduce:
1. Create stack with template:
heat_template_version: 2013-05-23
type: string
I upload it from file. [pic1]
2. Set parameters and create it [pic2]
It's created without error.
3. Choose update [pic3]
4. Use the same template from my desktop (i.e. via file). I don't use direct input. [pic4]
5. set new value of parameter and update it [pic5]
@lahari: thank you for the information.
However I still can not reproduce your case (Probably, because I still can not understand, how and where you remove 'enctype= "multipart/ form-data' ).
Also as I asked previously, could you please say: which version of heat do you use? master or some stable release?
I use following scenario to reproduce: version: 2013-05-23
1. Create stack with template:
type: string
I upload it from file. [pic1]
2. Set parameters and create it [pic2]
It's created without error.
3. Choose update [pic3]
4. Use the same template from my desktop (i.e. via file). I don't use direct input. [pic4]
5. set new value of parameter and update it [pic5]
so I don't get any error message or fail.