Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 9e007acc441d1eb18069cdb6c21102f49c315697 Author: Steve Baker <email address hidden> Date: Fri Jun 17 15:49:21 2016 +1200
Add context to stack lock function arguments
Context is added as the first argument to stack_lock_* db functions but is currently ignored for getting the session used for stack lock operations.
This is required later for bug 1479723 but is added in its own change here to ease reviewing load.
Change-Id: Ieb3e4e2ee67150777cbe1e961d0d1806cf1f7e46 Related-Bug: #1479723
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/331849 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ heat/commit/ ?id=9e007acc441 d1eb18069cdb6c2 1102f49c315697
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 9e007acc441d1eb 18069cdb6c21102 f49c315697
Author: Steve Baker <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 17 15:49:21 2016 +1200
Add context to stack lock function arguments
Context is added as the first argument to stack_lock_* db functions
but is currently ignored for getting the session used for stack lock
This is required later for bug 1479723 but is added in its own change
here to ease reviewing load.
Change-Id: Ieb3e4e2ee67150 777cbe1e961d0d1 806cf1f7e46
Related-Bug: #1479723