commit af238fbd081f7c14016d923c3924a648963fdeca
Author: Steve Baker <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 30 17:21:56 2013 +1200
Only validate credentials on create based on resources
This change relaxes the validation which checked for credentials
on stack create and update.
As implemented, having any of the following resources
in the template will result in credentials being mandatory
on create and update:
* AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy
* OS::Heat::HARestarter
* AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle
For all other templates, credentials are not needed.
When trusts are merged, this logic could also be used to decide
whether a trust token needs to be created at all.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/44400 github. com/openstack/ heat/commit/ af238fbd081f7c1 4016d923c3924a6 48963fdeca
Committed: http://
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit af238fbd081f7c1 4016d923c3924a6 48963fdeca
Author: Steve Baker <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 30 17:21:56 2013 +1200
Only validate credentials on create based on resources
This change relaxes the validation which checked for credentials
on stack create and update.
As implemented, having any of the following resources g::ScalingPolic y :HARestarter tion::WaitCondi tionHandle
in the template will result in credentials being mandatory
on create and update:
* AWS::AutoScalin
* OS::Heat:
* AWS::CloudForma
For all other templates, credentials are not needed.
When trusts are merged, this logic could also be used to decide
whether a trust token needs to be created at all.
Fixes bug: #1217617
Change-Id: I3e4b8698d37120 53dc3c0851433ef 0cbbadbdfed