Comment 9 for bug 336605

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Paul Natsuo Kishimoto (khaeru) wrote : Re: network backup/syncing

Just to draw undue attention to myself: I've started a branch for a bazaar backend, but stopped because it doesn't seem like the core bits of GTG are ready yet :)

I currently use Bazaar for Tomboy (actually now Gnote) notes like this:
* On my DreamHost account: a repository.
* On my netbook, work desktop, home desktop: branches bound to the repository.
* A shell script that adds any new notes then commits a new revision.
* SSH keys set up properly everywhere so the shell script doesn't need to prompt for passwords.
It is only semi-automatic because I have to remember to run the shell script before and after I edit notes on a computer. However it works quite well and quickly.

To do this in GTG, I think I would need to add something to a preferences GUI (none yet!) to specify the repository location. The backend will need to 'bzr update' any changes on opening, and 'bzr commit' on exit. It will also need to handle various cases for when the backend is enabled: repository {exists|doesn't exist}, local branch {exists|doesn't exist}.

Maybe I should publish a blueprint for all this...but anyway for people with the right infrastructure, hopefully this could suffice for network sync.