commit b752b5c08c29cc1f88aa40ebae96f6d6e3153be9
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 17 16:30:22 2016 -0800
[apic-mapping] Updating nameAlias field also
This patch will cover VRF, BD, EPG and contract. Don't need to cover
l3out and external EPG as they are all preexisting in customer
env. Tenant and AP will be covered in a separate patch as currently
we don't get tenant name change notification in our MD...We don't
plan to cover policy rule/classifier/action though based on the
discussion with Mandeep.
Partial-Bug: 1642783
Change-Id: Id5f675db22d2d886e38c205913f982f54d8a1f61
(cherry picked from commit 10140e85bf97514e158116103776c55ae431a4cb)
(cherry picked from commit c3ab03e8e0a46969b381fc935ca785bb3b7f921e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/400018 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=b752b5c08c2 9cc1f88aa40ebae 96f6d6e3153be9
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit b752b5c08c29cc1 f88aa40ebae96f6 d6e3153be9
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 17 16:30:22 2016 -0800
[apic-mapping] Updating nameAlias field also
This patch will cover VRF, BD, EPG and contract. Don't need to cover /action though based on the
l3out and external EPG as they are all preexisting in customer
env. Tenant and AP will be covered in a separate patch as currently
we don't get tenant name change notification in our MD...We don't
plan to cover policy rule/classifier
discussion with Mandeep.
Partial-Bug: 1642783 86e38c205913f98 2f54d8a1f61 e158116103776c5 5ae431a4cb) 9b381fc935ca785 bb3b7f921e)
Change-Id: Id5f675db22d2d8
(cherry picked from commit 10140e85bf97514
(cherry picked from commit c3ab03e8e0a4696