commit b3b7f1995ab024d0ba872f4cc5970c1254bc1403
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 12 16:04:45 2016 -0800
[apic-mapping] NameAlias support for tenant
1. will set the nameAlias field when the 1st PTG is being
created under the tenant. There will be a delay when user creates
L3P, L2P or PRS first but we are ok with that after discussing
with Mandeep.
2. once the tenant is already in apic, we will update the nameAlias
field whenever the corresponding project name has been changed on
OS side. We do this through keystone notifications.
Partial-Bug: 1642783
Change-Id: I797c1d8ba762734f191b07103a2723d2644c78ca
(cherry picked from commit 8f3481cc2e2470d5563dd45926db5e0fff6e7dd7)
(cherry picked from commit af61f76c92dbc34dc61dc7b917798b6322ecc829)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/410436 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=b3b7f1995ab 024d0ba872f4cc5 970c1254bc1403
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit b3b7f1995ab024d 0ba872f4cc5970c 1254bc1403
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 12 16:04:45 2016 -0800
[apic-mapping] NameAlias support for tenant
1. will set the nameAlias field when the 1st PTG is being
created under the tenant. There will be a delay when user creates
L3P, L2P or PRS first but we are ok with that after discussing
with Mandeep.
2. once the tenant is already in apic, we will update the nameAlias
field whenever the corresponding project name has been changed on
OS side. We do this through keystone notifications.
Partial-Bug: 1642783 4f191b07103a272 3d2644c78ca 5563dd45926db5e 0fff6e7dd7) dc61dc7b917798b 6322ecc829)
Change-Id: I797c1d8ba76273
(cherry picked from commit 8f3481cc2e2470d
(cherry picked from commit af61f76c92dbc34