While deleting group, Group based policy plugin
creates context before precommit call, updates
group(to unset all prs) and then makes post
commit call with same context. Since group gets
updated in between, we need to modify context
to have those changes
Change-Id: I3a9606b66026e00ce8a7ea9dc590f1ba8594af21
Closes-Bug: 1590340
(cherry picked from commit daf773f2c038e7bd244270c65809ca4084f08407)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/348729 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=61468863321 0ae3d0cb3bb11ce b2e609ce910bf9
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit 614688633210ae3 d0cb3bb11ceb2e6 09ce910bf9
Author: Ashutosh Mishra <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 8 14:52:08 2016 +0530
Fixes for multiple notifications in node drivers
While deleting group, Group based policy plugin
creates context before precommit call, updates
group(to unset all prs) and then makes post
commit call with same context. Since group gets
updated in between, we need to modify context
to have those changes
Change-Id: I3a9606b66026e0 0ce8a7ea9dc590f 1ba8594af21 d244270c65809ca 4084f08407)
Closes-Bug: 1590340
(cherry picked from commit daf773f2c038e7b