commit 1b5e62ab190b79c743047233a6299effbe25a964
Author: Amit Bose <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 6 14:41:52 2016 -0700
[APIC-mapping] Support non-OpFlex networks
This change enables the apic-mapping driver to
handle endpoints (ports) when the network-type
is VLAN. In this scenario, there are no OpFlex
agents on the compute/network nodes that can configure
the datapath to isolate traffic and enforce policy.
Instead we use additional 'shadow' Neutron networks,
one per PTG, to isolate ports within a PTG from other
PTGs. Static path binding is configured on-demand on
APIC using the segmentation-ID of the shadow networks.
These additional "shadow" networks mirror the
configuration of the Neutron network created for
the L2-policy of the PTGs:
- The shadow networks are named using the convention
- Subnets in the L2P network are reflected in shadow
networks of each PTG associated with the L2P. Their
names use the convention
apic_owned_sub_<id of subnet in L2P network>
- Implicit ports created for policy-targets are mirrored
in the shadow network of the corresponding PTG. This
additional 'shadow' port is now associated with the
PT instead of the implicitly created port. These implicit
ports have device_owner set to 'apic' and device_id set
to the ID of the PT for which they were created.
- Explicit ports for PTs is allowed as long as they have
been created in the appropriate shadow network
- DHCP ports on the shadow networks are disabled to avoid
unwanted/wrong responses to DHCP requests from VMs.
This scheme imposes a few restrictions:
- PTG of a PT can be no longer updated because that would
require changing the network of the associated port
- Ports created in the L2P network cannot be associated
with a PT; instead such an explicit port must be created
in the shadow network for the PTG of the PT.
Without OpFlex agent, NAT-ing won't work with APIC. So
the apic-mapping driver configures external-segments on
APIC for the no-NAT case. Once support for edge-NAT is
available (e.g. through ASR integration), we can make
the appropriate changes to make floating-IPs and PAT
Service-chaining, which requires special handling of
endpoints in the OpFlex agent, is not expected to work
out-of-the-box with non-OpFlex network.
Closes-Bug: 1581264
Change-Id: I39d09257f6eadcf5ae527d779f13493415a4ec85
Signed-off-by: Amit Bose <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit ba62041267cb785c5896b2e533534a368becfe3d)
(cherry picked from commit 971ed58eeed832ad3c81ee526d031b8d14d4dfe6)
(cherry picked from commit 7c3eb7b8eb6b4194c42897af8d7c387bb541e721)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/315882 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=1b5e62ab190 b79c743047233a6 299effbe25a964
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 1b5e62ab190b79c 743047233a6299e ffbe25a964
Author: Amit Bose <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 6 14:41:52 2016 -0700
[APIC-mapping] Support non-OpFlex networks
This change enables the apic-mapping driver to
handle endpoints (ports) when the network-type
is VLAN. In this scenario, there are no OpFlex
agents on the compute/network nodes that can configure
the datapath to isolate traffic and enforce policy.
Instead we use additional 'shadow' Neutron networks,
one per PTG, to isolate ports within a PTG from other
PTGs. Static path binding is configured on-demand on
APIC using the segmentation-ID of the shadow networks.
These additional "shadow" networks mirror the owned_ptg_ <ptg-name> _<ptg-id> owned_sub_ <id of subnet in L2P network>
configuration of the Neutron network created for
the L2-policy of the PTGs:
- The shadow networks are named using the convention
- Subnets in the L2P network are reflected in shadow
networks of each PTG associated with the L2P. Their
names use the convention
- Implicit ports created for policy-targets are mirrored
in the shadow network of the corresponding PTG. This
additional 'shadow' port is now associated with the
PT instead of the implicitly created port. These implicit
ports have device_owner set to 'apic' and device_id set
to the ID of the PT for which they were created.
- Explicit ports for PTs is allowed as long as they have
been created in the appropriate shadow network
- DHCP ports on the shadow networks are disabled to avoid
unwanted/wrong responses to DHCP requests from VMs.
This scheme imposes a few restrictions:
- PTG of a PT can be no longer updated because that would
require changing the network of the associated port
- Ports created in the L2P network cannot be associated
with a PT; instead such an explicit port must be created
in the shadow network for the PTG of the PT.
Without OpFlex agent, NAT-ing won't work with APIC. So chaining, which requires special handling of
the apic-mapping driver configures external-segments on
APIC for the no-NAT case. Once support for edge-NAT is
available (e.g. through ASR integration), we can make
the appropriate changes to make floating-IPs and PAT
endpoints in the OpFlex agent, is not expected to work
out-of-the-box with non-OpFlex network.
Closes-Bug: 1581264
Change-Id: I39d09257f6eadc f5ae527d779f134 93415a4ec85 c5896b2e533534a 368becfe3d) d3c81ee526d031b 8d14d4dfe6) 4c42897af8d7c38 7bb541e721)
Signed-off-by: Amit Bose <email address hidden>
(cherry picked from commit ba62041267cb785
(cherry picked from commit 971ed58eeed832a
(cherry picked from commit 7c3eb7b8eb6b419