commit 07ba9c23b9930d6d65367650231a6794ea8f30e3
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 24 13:57:53 2016 -0700
[apic_mapping] Fix bugs while setting auto-l3out for BDs
1. use the tenant of each BD instead.
2. don't use the transaction to avoid the ApicInvalidTransactionMultipleRoot
exception under some certain workflow.
3. added more UTs to cover all the config combinations.
Change-Id: Ie045fb578e8b355b55d27de4ae2c66e66bd2dbff
Partial-Bug: 1547723
(cherry picked from commit 2b03454b17de88ae2f09c86dcb17f9711c19ebe8)
(cherry picked from commit 3b027dd1fe3d4fdf86ba3e7db3cde18c93c3880a)
(cherry picked from commit 0013cfeb2b6dc1b7f965b81c5fc901eee8d2b9de)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/334621 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=07ba9c23b99 30d6d6536765023 1a6794ea8f30e3
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 07ba9c23b9930d6 d65367650231a67 94ea8f30e3
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 24 13:57:53 2016 -0700
[apic_mapping] Fix bugs while setting auto-l3out for BDs
1. use the tenant of each BD instead. sactionMultiple Root
2. don't use the transaction to avoid the ApicInvalidTran
exception under some certain workflow.
3. added more UTs to cover all the config combinations.
Change-Id: Ie045fb578e8b35 5b55d27de4ae2c6 6e66bd2dbff e2f09c86dcb17f9 711c19ebe8) f86ba3e7db3cde1 8c93c3880a) 7f965b81c5fc901 eee8d2b9de)
Partial-Bug: 1547723
(cherry picked from commit 2b03454b17de88a
(cherry picked from commit 3b027dd1fe3d4fd
(cherry picked from commit 0013cfeb2b6dc1b