commit 360ac3cce0f2f81fb4b6d3a61685bed2baed7342
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 13 17:12:32 2016 -0700
[apic_mapping] handle the ES routes update for edge_nat
1. when edge_nat=true and not preexisting, we also need to update the
static routes on the Auto-<L3out> along with the real l3out for the
ES routes update event.
2. added test cases for this also.
Change-Id: I26597f08bb557379e9acb592cf4123fd27e884c3
Partial-Bug: 1547723
(cherry picked from commit 42c32191237af053728f71fc673dbad9dc5ca7f7)
(cherry picked from commit 0040ce3c6f8b8601bfd813a8908b4028c42a048a)
(cherry picked from commit ffadf8e8c7146d6db7226c1af3c23323ef5d037c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/317778 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=360ac3cce0f 2f81fb4b6d3a616 85bed2baed7342
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 360ac3cce0f2f81 fb4b6d3a61685be d2baed7342
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Fri May 13 17:12:32 2016 -0700
[apic_mapping] handle the ES routes update for edge_nat
1. when edge_nat=true and not preexisting, we also need to update the
static routes on the Auto-<L3out> along with the real l3out for the
ES routes update event.
2. added test cases for this also.
Change-Id: I26597f08bb5573 79e9acb592cf412 3fd27e884c3 3728f71fc673dba d9dc5ca7f7) 1bfd813a8908b40 28c42a048a) db7226c1af3c233 23ef5d037c)
Partial-Bug: 1547723
(cherry picked from commit 42c32191237af05
(cherry picked from commit 0040ce3c6f8b860
(cherry picked from commit ffadf8e8c7146d6