commit 7e9b41e33646f15ad847899181832a58c5624d64
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 31 15:37:27 2016 -0700
[apic_mapping]preexisting support for ASR L3out
1. query preexisting L3out in APIC then clone it to the right tenant
2. trim those admin-only attributes; replace VRF, L3out name and
encap before sending it to APIC as a request.
3. add test cases for the above.
This is the inital checkin, some TODO list:
1. put those admin-only attributes into config items. This needs to
be done in apicapi first.
2. enhance the error-checking:
a. in the ASR mode, only routed-subinterface will work in a L3out.
Throw an exception if the preexisting L3out doesn't have
routed-subinterfaces then.
b. In OSPF/BFD interface profile, we can only support no
authentication as those keys won't be returned while querying APIC.
Maybe throw an exception also when its some other auth mode?
Change-Id: I37ba6954641afab60bfcf9219ed0dc4c7e78fee3
Closes-Bug: 1547723
(cherry picked from commit c4c240cd52e7a192397c71e8de81749adbabbbad)
(cherry picked from commit d70fc28cda618743e023368e7a7fb3a568c9e0e0)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/303725 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ group-based- policy/ commit/ ?id=7e9b41e3364 6f15ad847899181 832a58c5624d64
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 7e9b41e33646f15 ad847899181832a 58c5624d64
Author: Kent Wu <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Mar 31 15:37:27 2016 -0700
[apic_ mapping] preexisting support for ASR L3out
1. query preexisting L3out in APIC then clone it to the right tenant
2. trim those admin-only attributes; replace VRF, L3out name and
encap before sending it to APIC as a request.
3. add test cases for the above.
This is the inital checkin, some TODO list: subinterfaces then.
1. put those admin-only attributes into config items. This needs to
be done in apicapi first.
2. enhance the error-checking:
a. in the ASR mode, only routed-subinterface will work in a L3out.
Throw an exception if the preexisting L3out doesn't have
b. In OSPF/BFD interface profile, we can only support no
authentication as those keys won't be returned while querying APIC.
Maybe throw an exception also when its some other auth mode?
Change-Id: I37ba6954641afa b60bfcf9219ed0d c4c7e78fee3 2397c71e8de8174 9adbabbbad) 3e023368e7a7fb3 a568c9e0e0)
Closes-Bug: 1547723
(cherry picked from commit c4c240cd52e7a19
(cherry picked from commit d70fc28cda61874