Comment 0 for bug 1138120

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Paulo Roberto de Oliveira Castro (p-oliveira-castro) wrote :

When making a App with tabs, designers always focus on something: they make the selected-tab's color the same as the content inside that tab. Look at Chrome or Firefox (or even Midori), the selected-tab's color is the same of the URL color. Actually, they are somehow connected with that URL and the buttons on URL bar.

This is more difficult to accomplish in pantheon-terminal, because the content is black (and transparent). Given that, the Elementary designers must have felt that making the selected tab's color the same of the window decoration would be a great idead. And I agree.

But we have a little problem, we lost the sense of connection. The tabs are not touching or "merging" with the decorations. Now we have three things on the top: The decoration, the selected tab and the non-selected tabs. This makes the top of the window very cluttered and hard to navigate.

Merging the tab with the windows decoration and not with the content may sound wrong, but when you look closely, it connects the tab with the title! This fact makes the merging a reason, in my point of view.

I think upside-down tabs, like iPad's Safari ones, would do the trick.