Please ensure the credentials are correct. A common mistake is
to specify the wrong tenant. Use the OpenStack "project" name
for tenant-name in your model configuration.
19:49:15 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:459 (error details: [{ } { } { } { authentication failed.
Please ensure the credentials are correct. A common mistake is
to specify the wrong tenant. Use the OpenStack "project" name
for tenant-name in your model configuration.}])
Using a project configured v3 auth endpoint I'm unable to bootstrap.
``` NAME=coolcloud DOMAIN_ NAME=admin_ domain NAME=cloud_ kubernetes API_VERSION= 3 <REDACTED> 10.0.3. 240:5000/ v3 kubernetes_ admin DOMAIN_ NAME=jumpin- joy
``` 10.0.3. 240:5000/ v3
$ juju show-cloud my-cloud
defined: local
type: openstack
description: Openstack Cloud
auth-types: [userpass, access-key]
endpoint: http://
$ juju list-credentials --format yaml --show-secrets
auth-type: userpass
domain-name: admin_domain
password: <REDACTED>
tenant-name: cloud_kubernetes
username: kubernetes_admin
``` juju.commands bootstrap.go:780 authenticating with region "coolcloud" and credential "kubernetes" () juju.commands bootstrap.go:892 provider attrs: map[use- floating- ip:false use-default- secgroup: false network: external-network:] ubuntu/ .local/ share/juju/ ssh/juju_ id_rsa. pub" to authorized-keys juju.commands bootstrap.go:948 preparing controller with config: map[logging-config: enable- os-refresh- update: true external-network: image-metadata-url: agent-stream: released provisioner- harvest- mode:destroyed http-proxy: name:controller proxy-ssh:false ignore- machine- addresses: false authorized- keys:ssh- rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E AAAADAQABAAABAQ C7ax7LrroQh6ayF PH7vfU+ /1veF40s6UJF4Ye aevTvrx/ xELELSjSeEIkQw6 KoA/nCysOMUDmkF PfVoe7u5reO37IR WS+c7k/ O3MOMTUGlOeGEmD E2trFzoBSNj4lYR uQxDC8ecyk0d0Lu i1gEV24ZjT/ Wo/d3QUJy/ VQojqEztl565+ UoaCv5Ck33suD1m YpesoDkJcQv9igA rNCqQ/t5QnMxgmh xs0HOF29PI+ aGkHMjGBHVL8PQa C95n0B9q1tD0w5D dkFRZQpRaWuvZ1g 0ykBNKX+ OU5Tp4iq+ bU9NH9za8UnBrVg umAXv9gAVjrcWpO o/VUkhvb06FRi63 ZCD juju-client-key stream: released development:false net-bond- reconfigure- delay:17 type:openstack ssl-hostname- verification: true enable- os-upgrade: true no-proxy: network: apt-ftp-proxy: use-default- secgroup: false uuid:4465ae20- ad7c-4e1c- 8cf3-31c403ff59 ea disable- network- management: false transmit- vendor- metrics: true apt-mirror: resource-tags: https-proxy: default- series: xenial apt-https-proxy: firewall- mode:instance apt-http-proxy: agent-metadata-url: test-mode:false use-floating- ip:false ftp-proxy: logforward- enabled: false automatically- retry-hooks: true] openstack provider.go:131 opening model "controller" openstack provider.go:763 authentication failed: authentication failed 10.0.3. 240:5000/ v3/auth/ tokens 10.0.3. 240:5000/ v3/auth/ tokens) returned unexpected status: 401; error info: Failed: 401 error: The request you have made requires authentication.
$ juju bootstrap --debug my-cloud
19:49:14 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:63 running juju [2.1-rc1 gc go1.6.2]
19:49:14 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:64 args: []string{"juju", "bootstrap", "--debug", "my-cloud"}
19:49:14 DEBUG juju.cmd.
19:49:14 DEBUG juju.cmd.
19:49:14 INFO cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of "/home/
19:49:14 DEBUG juju.cmd.
19:49:14 INFO juju.provider.
19:49:15 DEBUG juju.provider.
caused by: requesting token: Unauthorised URL http://
caused by: request (http://
19:49:15 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 authentication failed.
Please ensure the credentials are correct. A common mistake is com/juju/ juju/cmd/ juju/commands/ bootstrap. go:445: } {github. com/juju/ juju/environs/ bootstrap/ prepare. go:99: } {github. com/juju/ juju/environs/ bootstrap/ prepare. go:163: } {github. com/juju/ juju/provider/ openstack/ provider. go:768: authentication failed.
to specify the wrong tenant. Use the OpenStack "project" name
for tenant-name in your model configuration.
19:49:15 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:459 (error details: [{github.
Please ensure the credentials are correct. A common mistake is
to specify the wrong tenant. Use the OpenStack "project" name
for tenant-name in your model configuration.}])