Hmmmm, I may have been a little premature - I have had two shell-hangs now, 1 each on a different machine - both with the below configuration. It's a lot less frequent than before, but I still seem to be getting some.
Gnome-shell 3.4.1
vmplayer 4.0.2 build-591240
Ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.2.0-24
generic drivers on ATI graphics
Hmmmm, I may have been a little premature - I have had two shell-hangs now, 1 each on a different machine - both with the below configuration. It's a lot less frequent than before, but I still seem to be getting some.
Gnome-shell 3.4.1
vmplayer 4.0.2 build-591240
Ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.2.0-24
generic drivers on ATI graphics