I hope this helps: I see these errors in my syslog:
Nov 4 10:43:32 parse2 gnome-shell[4026701]: JS ERROR: TypeError: windowActor is null#012_addWindowEffect@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:90:28#012vfunc_show@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:162:14
Nov 4 11:17:38 parse2 gnome-shell[4026701]: message repeated 34072 times: [ JS ERROR: TypeError: null has no properties#012_onFocusChanged@resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/closeDialog.js:135:9]
Nov 4 10:51:50 parse2 gnome-shell[11582]: [11584:11584:1104/105150.374036:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "[Shields]: Can't request shields panel data. Error: No tab url specified", source: chrome-extension://mnojpmjdmbbfme jpflffifhffcmidifd/out/brave_extension_background.bundle.js (1)
Yet More Info: While it was running slow, I did a gcore, and it showed a single active thread (90% CPU) in the garbage collector. That may have nothing to do with this, but who knows...
gnome-shell: 3.36.4 Ubuntu 20.04 Hardware: 64g memory, 1Tb NVME drive, Asus ROG Strix GeForce RTX 2060, 4 Monitors Cores: 16 Threads: 32 AMD Ryzen 3950X browser1 = brave tabs = 67 browser2 = firefox tabs= 64 various other windows Quake, rocketchat, Thunderbird, MATE terminal
I hope this helps: I see these errors in my syslog:
Nov 4 10:43:32 parse2 gnome-shell[ 4026701] : JS ERROR: TypeError: windowActor is null#012_ addWindowEffect @resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/closeDialog. js:90:28# 012vfunc_ show@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/closeDialog. js:162: 14
Nov 4 11:17:38 parse2 gnome-shell[ 4026701] : message repeated 34072 times: [ JS ERROR: TypeError: null has no properties# 012_onFocusChan ged@resource: ///org/ gnome/shell/ ui/closeDialog. js:135: 9]
Nov 4 10:51:50 parse2 gnome-shell[11582]: [11584: 11584:1104/ 105150. 374036: ERROR:CONSOLE( 1)] "[Shields]: Can't request shields panel data. Error: No tab url specified", source: chrome- extension: //mnojpmjdmbbfm e ifd/out/ brave_extension _background. bundle. js (1)
Yet More Info:
While it was running slow, I did a gcore, and it showed a single active thread (90% CPU) in the garbage collector. That may have nothing to do with this, but who knows...
gnome-shell: 3.36.4
Ubuntu 20.04
Hardware: 64g memory, 1Tb NVME drive, Asus ROG Strix GeForce RTX 2060, 4 Monitors
Cores: 16 Threads: 32 AMD Ryzen 3950X
browser1 = brave tabs = 67
browser2 = firefox tabs= 64
various other windows Quake, rocketchat, Thunderbird, MATE terminal