I have this bug on Ubuntu 18.04 with Gnome. My keyboard layout is ["en", "gr"].
As a workaround I am using the following bash script that changes the keyboard layout to the first language in the keyboards layout list, i.e "en" (index "0" in inputSources), before activating the gnome-screensaver. I am running this script using a custom keyboard shortcut, set to "Super + L", after deactivating the default one.
I have this bug on Ubuntu 18.04 with Gnome. My keyboard layout is ["en", "gr"].
As a workaround I am using the following bash script that changes the keyboard layout to the first language in the keyboards layout list, i.e "en" (index "0" in inputSources), before activating the gnome-screensaver. I am running this script using a custom keyboard shortcut, set to "Super + L", after deactivating the default one.
Bash script:
#!/bin/bash Shell.Eval \ ui.status. keyboard. getInputSourceM anager( ).inputSources[ 0].activate( )"
gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell \
--method org.gnome.
gnome-screensav er-command -l