Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: stable/1.3
commit 577b403e41c101f84b8916a28cb8d58e8950786a Author: heha <email address hidden> Date: Sun Dec 20 07:40:28 2015 -0500
Resource list filtered by project_id or created_by user_id and project_id
List some resources filtered by the project_id that you provide, and the resources that you have created.
Change-Id: I30f473ea720835447da3282647d803305390941a Closes-Bug: #1520439 Closes-Bug: #1521895 (cherry picked from commit 396a93e7bdf246e5bbf19d43a49f21132969d8d8)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/272434 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ gnocchi/ commit/ ?id=577b403e41c 101f84b8916a28c b8d58e8950786a
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/1.3
commit 577b403e41c101f 84b8916a28cb8d5 8e8950786a
Author: heha <email address hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 20 07:40:28 2015 -0500
Resource list filtered by project_id or created_by user_id and project_id
List some resources filtered by the project_id that you provide, and
the resources that you have created.
Change-Id: I30f473ea720835 447da3282647d80 3305390941a 5bbf19d43a49f21 132969d8d8)
Closes-Bug: #1520439
Closes-Bug: #1521895
(cherry picked from commit 396a93e7bdf246e