Limit CaptureRegion sizes in format_inspector for VMDK and VHDX
When parsing a VMDK file to calculate its size, the format_inspector
determines the location of the Descriptor section by reading two
uint64 from the headers of the file and uses them to create the
descriptor CaptureRegion.
It would be possible to craft a VMDK file that commands the
format_inspector to create a very big CaptureRegion, thus exhausting
resources on the glance-api process.
This patch binds the beginning of the descriptor to 0x200 and limits
the size of the CaptureRegion to 1MB, similar to how the VMDK
descriptor is parsed by qemu.
It is a bit more involved, but similar: when looking for the
VIRTUAL_DISK_SIZE metadata, the format_inspector was creating an
unbounded CaptureRegion.
In the same way as it seems to be done in Qemu, we now limit the upper
bound of this CaptureRegion.
Closes-Bug: #2006490
Change-Id: I3ec5a33df20e1cfb6673f4ff1c7c91aacd065532
(cherry picked from commit d4d33ee30f303f783c0640cd72acb31b313e1164)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /glance/ +/872990 /opendev. org/openstack/ glance/ commit/ 06a18202ab52c64 803f044b8f848ed 1c160905d2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/zed
commit 06a18202ab52c64 803f044b8f848ed 1c160905d2
Author: Guillaume Espanel <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 25 11:53:09 2023 +0100
Limit CaptureRegion sizes in format_inspector for VMDK and VHDX
When parsing a VMDK file to calculate its size, the format_inspector
determines the location of the Descriptor section by reading two
uint64 from the headers of the file and uses them to create the
descriptor CaptureRegion.
It would be possible to craft a VMDK file that commands the inspector to create a very big CaptureRegion, thus exhausting
resources on the glance-api process.
This patch binds the beginning of the descriptor to 0x200 and limits
the size of the CaptureRegion to 1MB, similar to how the VMDK
descriptor is parsed by qemu.
VHDX: DISK_SIZE metadata, the format_inspector was creating an
It is a bit more involved, but similar: when looking for the
unbounded CaptureRegion.
In the same way as it seems to be done in Qemu, we now limit the upper
bound of this CaptureRegion.
Closes-Bug: #2006490 fb6673f4ff1c7c9 1aacd065532 83c0640cd72acb3 1b313e1164)
Change-Id: I3ec5a33df20e1c
(cherry picked from commit d4d33ee30f303f7