Some points of information:
You can see that the show_multiple_locations option is described as a security risk in both the configuration file and in the API reference guide in all stable branches:
The option was scheduled to be removed in Ocata, but we decided to leave it in because it's mentioned in OSSN-0065 as a way to be sure you're not subject to the vulnerability:
Some points of information:
You can see that the show_multiple_ locations option is described as a security risk in both the configuration file and in the API reference guide in all stable branches: /github. com/openstack/ glance/ blob/stable/ newton/ etc/glance- api.conf# L305-L308 /github. com/openstack/ glance/ blob/stable/ newton/ api-ref/ source/ v2/images- parameters. yaml#L373- L385
The option was scheduled to be removed in Ocata, but we decided to leave it in because it's mentioned in OSSN-0065 as a way to be sure you're not subject to the vulnerability: /github. com/openstack/ glance/ commit/ bd5a23df095af9f 2d5b21f3350674f b6e36abbe5