Os.path.remove does not exist so this removes it and replaces it with
some code that will remove the file. Functionally fulfilling the role
that os.path.remove was meant to fill.
Change-Id: I040d445007055b31561a592dd74b3e2ffaa9cd54
Closes-bug: 1507564
(cherry picked from commit 57c50ec6a6268c50a818d1883d571c618ba7a4e3)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/248849 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ glance/ commit/ ?id=36f5ff56325 8f47fa5159ed4bf 11d259bb76caa6
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit 36f5ff563258f47 fa5159ed4bf11d2 59bb76caa6
Author: NiallBunting <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Nov 4 13:30:18 2015 +0000
Update os.path.remove as it does not exist
Os.path.remove does not exist so this removes it and replaces it with
some code that will remove the file. Functionally fulfilling the role
that os.path.remove was meant to fill.
Change-Id: I040d445007055b 31561a592dd74b3 e2ffaa9cd54 0a818d1883d571c 618ba7a4e3)
Closes-bug: 1507564
(cherry picked from commit 57c50ec6a6268c5