When empty string is passed as location value the glance
raises internal server error.
The patch checks that location value is present in image meta
and generates BadRequest if it is empty.
Change-Id: I8f3640276368292ced508d5f4c918c147b9d1f19
Closes-Bug: #1498460
(cherry picked from commit c2cbdd84e721271244dbf1c946e79fc2a0398420)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/271427 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ glance/ commit/ ?id=08fea0bad8a 0ce5f20c8ec5e61 7e0c81d29addb0
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit 08fea0bad8a0ce5 f20c8ec5e617e0c 81d29addb0
Author: kairat_kushaev <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 23 14:48:54 2015 +0300
Validate empty location value for v1 api
When empty string is passed as location value the glance
raises internal server error.
The patch checks that location value is present in image meta
and generates BadRequest if it is empty.
Change-Id: I8f364027636829 2ced508d5f4c918 c147b9d1f19 244dbf1c946e79f c2a0398420)
Closes-Bug: #1498460
(cherry picked from commit c2cbdd84e721271