Adding OSSG-coresec to get a wider perspective on this.
This is one of those bugs where it's difficult to backport the fix, since it changes established behavior and is therefore not really acceptable as a stable branch patch. If there is a workaround for icehouse/havana, then we can document it in a security note. If there isn't a workaround, we might want to backport the option, and default it to current behavior, and then issue an OSSN about the issue and how you can manually switch that option on.
Adding OSSG-coresec to get a wider perspective on this.
This is one of those bugs where it's difficult to backport the fix, since it changes established behavior and is therefore not really acceptable as a stable branch patch. If there is a workaround for icehouse/havana, then we can document it in a security note. If there isn't a workaround, we might want to backport the option, and default it to current behavior, and then issue an OSSN about the issue and how you can manually switch that option on.