commit fc65a9ef9c65d63d16e0b1e4b8ed952fe327b84d
Author: Brian Rosmaita <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Aug 19 13:00:20 2017 -0400
Fix Image API 'versions' response
Whether or not the v2.6 EXPERIMENTAL API is exposed at a site
depends on the enable_image_import config value. If it's False
(the default), then the API a client sees is the CURRENT v2.5
API, and any of the v2.6 calls made against 2.5 return a 404
(same as if you were running Ocata). This patch adjusts the
'versions' response so that when enable_image_import=False,
the EXPERIMENTAL v2.6 does not appear in the response.
Change-Id: Ibe164f02c99d10f5a5edd0de96c665413a12f700
Closes-bug: #1711829
(cherry picked from commit d3871a57b895902432bc7ddb98f9bb757cc2502b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/495907 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ glance/ commit/ ?id=fc65a9ef9c6 5d63d16e0b1e4b8 ed952fe327b84d
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/pike
commit fc65a9ef9c65d63 d16e0b1e4b8ed95 2fe327b84d
Author: Brian Rosmaita <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Aug 19 13:00:20 2017 -0400
Fix Image API 'versions' response
Whether or not the v2.6 EXPERIMENTAL API is exposed at a site image_import= False,
depends on the enable_image_import config value. If it's False
(the default), then the API a client sees is the CURRENT v2.5
API, and any of the v2.6 calls made against 2.5 return a 404
(same as if you were running Ocata). This patch adjusts the
'versions' response so that when enable_
the EXPERIMENTAL v2.6 does not appear in the response.
Change-Id: Ibe164f02c99d10 f5a5edd0de96c66 5413a12f700 432bc7ddb98f9bb 757cc2502b)
Closes-bug: #1711829
(cherry picked from commit d3871a57b895902